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Responding to the Sign

Ryan preached on February 18th from Matthew 12:38-42 when the Pharisees demand that Jesus perform a sign. Click here to listen to Ryan's first sermon as an ordained pastor, Responding to the Sign.

Finding Christ at the End of the Spear

Christian and I had the privilege of travelling down to Bozeman during 2 weeks of February while the church concentrated their focus on missions.

Christian preached from Numbers 25:1-15 on February 11. Click here to listen to Christian's sermon, Finding Christ at the End of the Spear.

Revamping Media

I've decided to change things up a bit here since our past sermons and stuff weren't very high on the quality scale. From here on out, we'll be posting good sermons we listen to as well as all of the sermons we preach.

They are available by podcast by clicking the Advanced tab in iTunes and selecting Subscribe to Podcast. When the box appears requesting the url of the podcast, cut and paste this url: http://feeds.feedburner.com/HearLifeDifferently. I hope to have a one-click button for subscibing pretty soon, but have yet to find the time to put that in.

I will be posting our two most recent sermons shortly.